Trinidy Blanton

“To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the Gift.”

My favorite thing about this quote is that it applies to everything, not just running. Everyone has a gift. Whether it’s running, jumping, throwing, art, music, work ethic, teaching, caring for others, coaching, or anything else under the sun, it is a gift. Everyday itself is a gift. To be able to wake up in the morning, enjoy breakfast, and attend school is a gift. You could never predict when your gift of life shall end, so why not spend it giving it your best? You can always regret not trying harder, but you can never regret giving it your all.
In this quote, “the Gift” has no one meaning which shows a great deal of variety. I believe the G is capitalized to show the true importance of this quote and how it is so uplifting and encouraging. When I read this quote, it reminds me of the times that I felt like I couldn’t push myself any further and I felt like giving up, but I kept going because I couldn’t imagine the regret of throwing in the towel. Those times are where strength grows best!
I would like to emphasize the part of the quote that says “your best…” which makes it relatable to anyone about anything. “Your best” should not be compared to anyone else’s best, that’s why it’s yours. Your personal best has absolutely nothing to do with anyone else’s best. It is your own value that nobody can take away from you, until you start comparing your best to
others’ bests.
I relate this quote, personally, to Track. There have been many times where I have thought that there was no improvement ahead of me and I’ve been extremely discouraged. But within all of those times, I have realized that thinking that way has no benefit. Some days my best is not as competitive as other days. But that doesn’t mean it’s not my best. This quote inspires me to never allow myself to feel the regret of not giving it my all.


Memorial Run

Saturday, September 16th
10:00 AM (PST)
4th and Anderson in downtown Coos Bay and finishing at Marshfield High School’s Prefontaine Track Coos Bay, OR.
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